Home / Insights / Lure of EPC over PPP model for Highway Infrastructure Projects

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Lure of EPC over PPP model for Highway Infrastructure Projects

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by Swathi Ilango
28 September 2013

The highway ministry has been struck with concerns about the success of PPP method for the completion of road projects. Since 2010, PPP was considered as a suitable finance and operational vehicle for executing road projects.�� But recently, there have been issues of projects which have failed to take off and which were sanctioned as early as 2010. Hence the ministry has decided to complete these road projects using the EPC model where in the government will fund the project and private firms will be expected to design and build the road. This article will discuss the grey areas in the PPP model which have resulted in this scenario and how the situation will be tackled for the future.   Author: Swathi Ilango

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