
Global consumption of processed tomatoes is 42 million tons in 2022. The Tomato Processing market is expected to Grow at a CAGR of 3.8 percent between 2021-2026

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    Tomatoes market report transcript

    Tomatoes Global Market Outlook

    • China and India are the top countries in production but are trifling players in export due to domestic consumption and demand among the large populations. China’s tomato production is increasing year on year whereas it’s decreasing slightly in India. Apart from internal demand, scattered production lands and lagging of cold storage and processing infrastructures are also other reasons for less exports from India.

    Tomatoes Demand Market Outlook

    • Demand is expected to remain stable in 2023. The growing food processing industry and production capacities are rising in demand.

    Demand Trends - North America

    • Demand slowed down during the American Thanksgiving

    • The tomato supply in Florida was short, and the weather had affected it significantly

    • Weather is expected to get normal after mid-December or even January

    • At this time of the year, the truck rates are also higher

    Global Fresh Tomatoes Supply–Demand Analysis

    • The major producers are China and India, accounting for 44 percent of total global supplies, yet not leading in exports, due to high domestic consumption.

    • Tomato production is highly dispersed and less consolidated, grown in large number of small farms.

    • Tomato is short duration Crop and Biennial in most of the locations. The cultivation acreage may not be stable as farmers have choices of other vegetable crops which thrive in similar conditions of tomato and the choice of cultivation depends on conditions like price scope of the vegetable crops sudden shortages.

    • North America is prominent player in tomato processing and California is emerging to be a hub for tomato processed products and technologies.

    Global Tomato Trade Dynamics

    • Mexico, the Netherlands, Spain, Morocco, Turkey represented the largest exporters together constituting 63 percent of total exports. The US, Germany, and Russia are the top importers of fresh tomatoes.

    • The total global export value is $8.91 billion in 2022

    • The year-on-year growth in the export quantity of Mexico, the Netherlands, Spain, Morocco, and Turkey tends to grow negatively

    • Though the export quantity of top exporters like Mexico, and Canada are in a negative trend, the growth in export value is witnessing around 22 percent and 20 percent respectively


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