Simulation Software

The global market for simulation software reported strong growth in 2022 and is forecasted to grow significantly during 2022–2025

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    Simulation Software market report transcript

    Simulation Software Global Market Outlook

    • The global simulation software market is estimated at $13.2 billion in 2022. The market is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of about 15 percent between 2022 and 2025

    • The demand for simulation software is forecasted to increase globally across industries and regions.

    Simulation Software Market Overview

    • The global market for simulation software is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of about 15.3 percent for 2022–2025. The market was estimated to be $13.2 billion in 2022

    • North America is the second largest market for simulation software, with the US having a highly mature buyer and supplier ecosystem

    • Autodesk Inc., NVIDIA Corporation, SAP, Dassault Systèmes, and ANSYS are the leading global simulation software suppliers

    Simulation Software: Industry Trends

    • Hybrid cloud, development of AI solutions, application development, and edge computing are some of the key technological trends that are driving the simulation software market

    • Niche suppliers are investing toward industry-specific software, catering to specific regions/countries

    Global Simulation Software: Drivers and Constraints


    Minimization of research, development, production, and training costs

    • Simulation software is deployed across multiple verticals, as it helps to minimize research, development, production, and training costs. The software aids in creating various prototypes of the end product and tests them virtually

    Necessity for virtual testing of autonomous vehicles

    • Autonomous vehicles are the future of transportation. Autonomous vehicles must be tested in a virtual environment before deploying it on a road to minimize failures. An autonomous vehicle’s components are much more expensive compared to a traditional vehicle. Simulation software facilitates autonomous OEMs and self-driving technology suppliers to create scenarios within virtual scenes, which includes sensor configurations and behavior of ego vehicle, traffic, pedestrians, etc. Simulation software also allows automotive OEMs to carry out multi-sensor simulations that include Lidar, radar, camera, GPS, and HD maps

    Adoption of Cloud-based solutions

    • With the increasing security functionalities on cloud-powered systems, along with the ease of access and reduced costs, enterprises deploying simulation software are increasingly adopting cloud-specific solutions. The pandemic has only fast-tracked this transition


    Increase in cyber threats, owing to increase in data

    • The data that is created and computed by the simulation software is stored in data centers, making it vulnerable to data breaches from hackers. This could result in theft of sensitive data, modification of data by inserting incorrect information or a complete shutdown of all the associated systems. Attackers can also gain access to the controller-area-network of the simulation system to disrupt the entire network

    Difficulty in integrating a new software solution with a pre-existing system

    • The complexity in aggregating a simulation solution with a pre-existing system is one of the biggest challenges affecting the growth of the simulation software market. Small and medium enterprises would be unwilling to adopt new technologies, due to the increased cost of technologies upfront, associated unskilled labor, and inefficient infrastructure

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