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AR Now Widely Deployed by Companies for Maintenance and Repair

Espresso-live Speakers
by Beroe Inc
14 November 2021


Augmented reality for maintenance and repair helps technicians get the needed training regarding all the specific maintenance procedures effectively and precisely. Among the end-use industries using augmented reality maintenance for remote expert assistance, stepwise repair instructions, and reference photos and video manuals, industrial (pulp and paper mills), warehouse, automotive, and aerospace are leading the row.

“There are many benefits to it so it only makes sense that more and more companies adopt AR for maintenance and repair. Moreover, it also adds layers of safety for the technicians. And as we move forward where workforce safety becomes the number one priority, this technology will have an even wider impact and penetration,” said Jaya Krishnan J, Research Analyst at Beroe.

Predictive Maintenance (PM) is all about using a particular technique of using data analysis tools to identify anomalies in operation and detect all possible flaws in equipment used so that all can be fixed in advance of the failure. Some key elements to PM are IoT (Internet of Things), AI (Artificial Intelligence), and integrated systems, which help connect different systems to work together and analyze data. AI for maintenance is going to become a new reality for paper and pulp mill maintenance. It implies on-the-spot visualization and getting a solution when there is a blooming maintenance problem.

Using AI predictive maintenance, a technician can be directed over AR smart glasses to the particular location demanding a maintenance check. The use of smart glasses drastically cuts the time and money requirement for AI predictive maintenance by eliminating experts visiting the site.

Wearing smart glasses, field workers can efficiently utilize this AI for predictive maintenance through AR technology by receiving voice commands and visual data on the screen of the glasses. Thanks to AI in predictive maintenance, if remote assistance is required in the audit time, real-time connections are possible with the experts virtually. It offers high-quality, safe, and quick maintenance operations in every need.

Before procuring smart glasses for AI-based predictive maintenance and repair, a host of factors should be considered, including:

  • Ability to capture photos and videos, as well as to save that data in the cloud or locally
  • Flexibility for sharing screen and sending documents so that workers can comfortably view them
  • Enabled with zoom in & out features so that defects can be analyzed properly
  • Should be able to allow multiple virtual participation, as well as remote access to cameras and microphones

Benefits of Adopting Augmented Reality for Maintenance Service

The most desired assistance offered by augmented reality is AI maintenance. It delivers tangible and measurable outcomes:

  • Unique customer experience and increased customer satisfaction due to maximum reliable fixes and minimum repair times
  • Improved performance, speed, and accuracy by the service technicians
  • Reduced frustration and better economics from the technicians and employees
  • Eliminated cognitive overload
  • Quick technician training through the world by cutting-edge predictive maintenance AI for achieving desired workflows as per the protocols.
  • Reduced expenses for vehicle transport and travel
  • Enhanced safety and efficiency of the service technicians

“Many industries have started appreciating augmented reality repair and maintenance for its inevitable advantages. In fact, as per a Harvard report almost 30 percent of organizations believe that existing augmented reality maintenance solutions are ready for use in field services,” said Jaya Krishnan J at Beroe. “The adoption of augmented reality allows the employees who are engaged in the plant activities to connect and interact from a remote platform to solve all the maintenance and repair issues. This saves both time and cost, especially travel and training costs. It reduces the chances of repeat visits, and decreases downtime”.


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